This blog was started three years ago, by Michael Tam, a student from Hong Kong Baptist University, who spend the summer of 2006 as an Intern at Cabrini Connections. In 2007 Paul Wei (shown at our July 2007 Golf Benefit) continued the blog.
This summer we do not have an intern from Hong Kong Baptist University, but we have had interns from Korea, Brazil, Indiana University and the University of Michigan work with us in the past year.
Below is a list of projects being done by current and former student interns, and volunteers, to support Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection:
Conference Video by June 2008 Korean Interns - flash presentation
Dinner Video by June 2008 Korean Interns - flash presentation
Visualization of Tutor/Mentor Strategy done in April 2008 by Indiana University students - Visualization
Interview by our Brazil intern - here
You can review a documentation system web page built by a volunteer in Baltimore, using workers from India, here
And, you can review a Business School Connection vision, posted on a wiki by a Graduate Student from the University of Chicago School of Business at this link.
Meet our Korean interns at
These all represent efforts by Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection to mobile talent from people in Chicago, and throughout the world, who will help gather and share information, create advertising and on-line education, and innovate other solutions that increase the number of people involved in helping youth living in poverty connect with on-going, volunteer-based adult support systems that expand the network of adults and learning opportunities intended to help these young people move through school and into jobs and careers.
If you are looking for an intern opportunity, or a PhD topic, or are teaching media and communications at a middle school, high school, college or business, and are looking for a real world application for your teaching and learning, consider working with the Tutor/Mentor Connection and apply what you learn to help us in Chicago, and to help youth in the city and country where you live.