This year Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection will have three graduate students from the University of Michigan's School of Information spending their spring break, starting Monday Feb. 23, with our organization in Chicago.
The students are Garima Garg and Malhar Gupta, who come from India, and Taeho Ko, who comes from Korea. You can meet these students on our Tutor/Mentor Connection page at Ning.Com.
These students will either work on projects started by other interns, or develop new projects, intended to help build better understanding and application of the ideas expressed on the Tutor/Mentor Institute web site.
We currently have two interns, also from Korea, who come to us from a program at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. View the projects they are working on in this ning group.
This illustrates our goal of enlisting students, faculty and alumni from many parts of the world who will use their time and talent to help build an infrastructure of support for volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs in Chicago, and in their own communities.
Contact the T/MC if you'd like to get involved.