Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Service Learning Loop Shows how Volunteer Grows

In 2007 our second intern from Hong Kong Baptist University, Paul Wei, began to learn to use flash to create animated interpretations of ideas of the Tutor/Mentor Connection. He was not able to complete this project or add a voice-track before he left.

During Jan-Feb 2011 In Hee Cho, an intern from IIT in Chicago, took on this project and created this interpretation.

Note: As of 2017 Flash Animation presentations such as this one, can no longer be viewed on most browsers. You can download a swfplayer and still view them. However, I've created this video so you can still see the presentation. 

We hope that many people will look at this and other work done by interns in past years. Through these projects we hope to create new ways to interpret our ideas and motivate more people to adopt them in their own efforts to help inner city youth have the support systems needed to move to jobs and careers.

If your high school or college would like to work with T/MC on these projects, or if your company or foundation can be a sponsor, there is much we can do to provide ideas and guidance that any one in the world might use.

Leadership Pyramid - IIT Intern Project

Today was the last day of the Jan-Feb 2011 internship of Jongseop Won who came to us via IIT and his university in Korea. Here's the information we provided to guild Jonseop in working on this project.

This flash animation is his interpretation.

As others look at this information we hope they see how important it is to have intermediaries like the Tutor/Mentor Connection collecting information and supporting decisions and actions of volunteers and leaders throughout the Chicago region.