Thursday, February 11, 2016

Many Ways for Young People to Tell Stories

For the past 10 years I've hosted interns via the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, based in Chicago. If you browse through the articles on this blog you can see work they have done, and find places where I'm encouraging educators at the K-12 level and in colleges, as well as leaders and volunteers in non-school youth programs, to engage their own students in creating visualizations for the same purpose.

For the past couple of months I've been following a series of cartoon comics, created by Kevin Hodgson, a 6th grade teacher in Western Massachusetts.  Below is one.

Visit this link and see the entire series.  There are so many different ways for young people to communicate ideas. I look forward to connecting with youth and educators who get involved doing this work.

Here's a link to a site Kevin shared earlier this week that students and adults can use to create their own comic strips.

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