In this page you can see other projects which were also done using Prezi. However, Wona is the first intern to figure out how to create a sound track, where she guides visitors through the presentation. She also put in web links pointing to some of the same sites the original concept map points to.
In addition to creating an English language version, Wona created a Korean language version (2016 note: these are no longer available on Prezi). Since every major city in the world has areas of concentrated poverty where people live more isolated from the rest of the community and its resources, the T/MC strategy could be duplicated in many countries. Thus, finding ways to creating versions of the blog articles and web presentations in different languages will help leaders in other countries find and adopt these ideas.
Wona and I share ideas in this on-line forum. If you'd like to work on one of the T/MC visualizations, join in.
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